Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ferrari Man

I completed my first Century yesterday. Kind of a milestone for me. (For those of you not familiar, a century is a 100-mile bicycle ride). I was pretty sore last night, but I'm feeling better this morning... which is good - I'm supposed to do 60 miles today, according to the PMC training plan. Of course, according to the afore-mentioned training plan, I was only supposed to do 90 yesterday. So we'll do no more than 50 today. and if you factor in the unplanned 20 miles I did on Friday, we might bring that down to about 30 miles, to keep the training load about even. And then its supposed to be 90 today, with thunderstorms later, so we'll see how much I actually get done.

The ride was mostly uneventful & I'll spare you the boring details. But the Wayland-Weston-Sudbury area is amazingly beautiful (and more or less flat). I highly recommend Water Row in Wayland (or maybe its just over the Sudbury line). But BEWARE: the town of Sudbury PADLOCKS their port-o-pottys... the sadistic bastards. (Also, Acton has nice clean port-o-pottys at some of their parks, and THEY don't lock them.) I guess this means I'll never move to Sudbury - out of SPITE.

The high light of the ride: When we were headed home going west on Rt 117 through Maynard, we came across THE definition of a mid-life crisis in action. A man in his 40s or 50s (yes, balding, slightly over weight) had washed his nice red Ferrari in his driveway, and was drying it with a leaf blower. He was holding the leaf blower above his head to get just the right angle. The only way this could have been any better is if he had been using an actual hair dryer.

Perhaps this Ferrari man is the very same Ferrari man I saw a couple of weeks ago in Acton trying to fit a case of coors light into his shiny red Ferrari. Now, I ask you. If you bought a Ferrari, wouldn't you choose a more high quality beer? A micro brew perhaps? That scene has really bothered me... I guess there is no accounting for taste.

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