Friday, April 25, 2008

We Can Solve It...

I don't know if you've seen the ads, but We Can Solve It seems to have invested heavily in ads on HGTV. This is Al's (as in Al Gore) newest attempt to get the ball rolling. I've joined, as have about a million other people (but only a million - there are 6 BILLION people in the world. Come ON!). A million is a mere drop in the bucket. As popular as "green" is today (have you looked at any of the sunday circulars? they all claim to be green - while trying to get you to buy more stuff and throw your old, yet perfectly functioning stuff into a landfill), you'd think there would be more people signing the petition.

Which leads me to the "draft Al Gore for the presidency" people. While I am an Al Gore Fan, it's time to admit that he is WAY more influential dealing solely with the climate issue. He can do much more for the us & the planet from the outside than he can while having to deal with the stupid-er issues of the day. Really, I'd rather have good ole Al doing his climate thing than, say, the annual easter egg hunt on the white house lawn. Let the figure head deal with that crap and install a "first hamster" or whatever pet he or she chooses.

Have you seen the TED talks? Al is too funny to be president. Beside that, if we all paid attention to ANY of the TED talks, we'd be far better off as a planet. I see Amy Tan has given a talk on creativity....

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