Friday, April 25, 2008

Rain Barrels at a good price (Mass. area)

I received the following email today from a friend on the re-localization group. For those of you in the Massachusetts area, this might be good information. I got one of these rain barrels last year - way better than the ones I had in Texas (these don't allow mosquitoes to breed & keep all the leaf crap out!). I liked mine so much, I've ordered a second for this year. Go get one. Seriously.

MassToss and MassDEP are offering rain barrels to help residents
conserve water, save money and reduce storm water run-off.
The average homeowner uses approximately 40 percent of water for
outdoor use. A one-inch rainfall on a 1,200 square foot roof will
yield more than 700 gallons of water. Using a rain barrel is an
excellent way to conserve some of this water. A quarter inch run-off
from an average roof will easily fill the barrel. If there are five
storms a season, that equals 275 gallons of free water. Rain barrel
use reduces the stress on municipal water systems during the summer
months and improves storm water management.

The rain barrels are made from 55-gallon blue plastic recycled
containers. The top does not come off, so no children or pets can get
in the barrel. It has a six-inch diameter inlet opening covered with
a screened louver to keep insects and debris out. The barrels have
two brass spigots, one to connect a hose for watering, and one for
overflow. A hose can be connected to the overflow spigot to redirect
the water away from the home. The barrels come with a five-foot hose
with a shutoff valve. Multiple barrels can be joined for additional

The first 30 rain barrels ordered can be purchased at the subsidized
price of $56.50 using a MassDEP grant and state contract pricing,
which is considerably less than the retail price, upwards of $89. If
we sell more than 30, we can still offer a discounted price of

To order call 8770-977-3135, toll-free, or order online at
You do not need to be a resident to purchase the barrels. Offer
expires May 22 for Devens-area pick-up.

Rain barrels will be delivered May 28 at the Devens DPW, 99 Buena
Vista St., Devens, from 3 to 6 p.m.

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