Friday, January 26, 2007

NPR StoryCorps

So I have these friends *JA* and *EWS* - friends from childhood, still friends. Been through a lot. And apparently, used to get in the worst fights... Listening to *JA* tell these stories over gmail chat, I was falling off my chair laughing. One thing led to another, and I've decided I want to get them together in a room with a recording device & a microphone. And send it into StoryCorps, and get their childhood fist fights logged into the Library of Congress. A La 'Ira Glass'. Should be a good time - their friendship just completely fascinates me, and I cannot believe how sister-like they are to this day (their familes are basically the same family now - siblings & all). I figure it might be used as fodder for when their kids hit the teenage years.

Have you heard of StoryCorps? This is by far the coolest thing I've heard of in quite some time. Aside from SunTubes. The idea that these two's fistfights over barbie shoes can be cataloged in the Library of Congress is extremely funny. When they are old, and deny they ever did such things, and the rest of us are too old to argue (or worse- gone), it'll be there. Permanently.

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