Saturday, May 31, 2008


It's been awhile. What can I say? I've been busy. There was a stretch of time I thought I might be pregnant - alas, not so much. Or not any more, at least. Que sera, sera. I've been in the garden daily. The damn lawn grows faster than I can reasonably mow it (at $4 a gallon for gas...yes, yes, I'm working on growing less grass and more food, but it's slow). Busy with friends, with dog walking, with chicken rounding up (not mine - not this year) and fox chasing. Typical spring excitement. Work has picked up as well - it's not unpleasant to work from home and just sit & think & reason through an issue and get paid for it, without driving the 45 miles into the office. It's very nice that although I have a 45 mile commute, I only physically go to the office once a month or so. We bought a new vehicle in February - and we are not yet to the 1st oil change. Such a wonderful change.

Of course, it's light out until 815 or so at night - dusk until 9. I can now eat dinner and then get back to the yard, and then collapse into a heap in bed immediately after. And get up again at 5. It's hard to sleep past 6 anyway - the sunlight coming in the window, the cacophony of bird calls, the pacing of the dog who wants to go out and chase rabbits.

It's taking less and less reading at night to calm my mind to sleep. I frequently find that the worries of the world (we're all going to hell in a hand basket, as if you hadn't noticed) can't keep up with the exhaustion. Weeks are blending together. Days, while physically almost at their longest of the year, suddenly seem astonishingly short.

Rest assured, all the while my brain has been working. Reasoning. Contrasting. Gathering ideas, combining them. I'll be back shortly with plethora of musings... just as soon as it gets hot out, and I'm looking for a midday escape. Or perhaps when my brain is full. Wont be long, either way.

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