Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Step it up?

So I've been getting emails about Step It Up 2007. A "National Day of Climate Action" where we try to get presidential candidates to discuss their environmental policy in public, all on the same day (Nov. 3). The most local event to me is in Concord, MA.

So far, only 3 Presidential hopefuls have said they will attend one of the many events: Senator John McCain, John Edwards & Representative Dennis Kucinich.

In reading McCain's website about his "environmental policy", his language struck me as a bit odd. Exactly HOW MANY buzz words can you fit into a statement about environmental policy that says nothing relevant at all? This is how it reads: "buzz word", "republican buzz word" and "liberal bad buzz word" He ends up saying essentially nothing relevant at all. Nothing says "I don't have a CLUE" like what he wrote. I kind of feel ill having read that. It was certainly a waste of my time.

As a friend said: "I read this and my mind just goes blank. It doesn't want to deal with processing it. I just can't...."

And McCain is one of the guys who agreed to go! Ugh.

Up until this point, I hadn't ruled anyone but Mitt Romney out - Romney is a tool and he tried his hardest to destroy our state. Not to mention that Mitt can't figure out what he believes in, let alone tell anyone else why they should believe in him.

I don't have the heart to research what Edwards & Kucinich have to say about the matter at this point...

But I have to admit. I did invite Sen. Clinton (as did 280 or so other people). I actually like what she had to say about the environment. It made me a bit hopeful. She seems to be following my line of thought that all we need is a sort of 'alternative energy arms-type race' with her "Apollo-like Program dedicated to achieving energy independence" (THAT is going to require a better name, and more detail, I think, which is why I invited her... "Green Arms Race" would be better than that). My biggest hope? She'll take it to the next level, create a cabinet position regarding the issue, and appoint Gore to that position... And then maybe somebody will actually get something done.

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