Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ben Stein falls from what grace he had

Ben Stein's new movie is coming out in early 2008. This guy isn't some random crazy guy- or at least, I didn't think he was (oh, look, I was wrong again). He's written presidential speeches (well, that might explain something...).

I really thought this was a spoof. Ironically, the Onion thought they had the line on this way back in 2005. Alas, it has become a serious movie. IMDB says so.

Here is the movie website, complete with a few trailers. Looks like it's as bad as it originally looked. They have messages on there directed toward students - be careful folks, they are going after your kids!

Curiously, when I was looking to see who may have funded this movie, I came across several references to scientists who had been interviewed for a documentary entitled "Crossroads" - yet somehow their interviews ended up in this movie. Some are really upset about it. Crooks and Liars covers the story fairly well, but be sure to read some of the comments the original post. It's also covered in the NY Times

While on Crooks & Liars, I read many many other disturbing posts regarding the bush (not capitalized on purpose) administration and the right wing in general. Very scary times we're in.

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