Thursday, June 01, 2006

the tournament

Today is the big day. I've been dreading and hoping for this day for about 2 weeks. Dread: it might kill me. Hope: I get to play soccer (I like soccer- played in college, and I don't often get the opportunity).

Let me back track... my hubby 'ki" (technically, we're both 'ki' - otherwise known as k2- but here I am known as I, because its mine, all mine...) is in the military. I'm not saying which branch, and I'm not giving rank. He's getting out soon, so its a mute (moot? which is it?) point anyway. At any rate, he's in the military and he's having a group vs. group soccer tournament this afternoon.

In the military, or in some parts of it, you have group PT (physical training, usually some aerobic activity) on a weekly basis (somethimes more often, sometimes not at all). Historically, I've always gone, unless I was working - some structure is good, and being forced to get some exercise isn't a bad thing.

This spring the aerobic activity has turned visciously competetive. I've been sent to the ER once (got hit point blank by a disc directly in the nose and the bleeding would.not.stop.) and should have gone a second time (head injury from being decked by the Lt. Col - thanks, man). I have a permanent lump of scar tissue on the inside of my right leg, above the ankle, on the bone. it was swollen and bruised for weeks (it still hurts, and i think this happened in early March). I've had a cramp in my calf since late March, which I am blaming on PT as well, because thats when it first showed up.

So, this afternoon, is the tournament. I've been invited to play (kind of amazing since I am a lowly spouse, and a girl to boot- its like being a 2nd class citizen or a leper). Its 85 degrees, hazy, and humid. I'm seriously hoping for a major T-storm to cancel it, because otherwise, I'm afraid this will kill me, or maim me enough so that I can't function properly for a while. But for some reason, my pride wont let me NOT go. damn that pride. Lets pray for some severe weather to get me out of this mess.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

I'm glad that you only ended up with a minor bruise from this violent soccer match. Here we see how much worse it could have been!!