Monday, August 13, 2007


Here's a really funny pun sent to me by a friend:

"Gandhi walked barefoot almost everywhere, so he had very caloused feet. he also ate very little, which made him frail, and because of his odd diet, he had bad breath. This made him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis."
So I spent part of the night sleeping on the back deck. No, I wasn't in trouble - I was there by choice. The height of the perseid meteor shower. We saw many meteors, but it started to cloud over around 1 am, at the supposed peak, so we went inside. I was up again at 330 to check (still cloudy) and by the time I got up at 6, it was raining. Damn.

But I did get to see some. And it was a beautiful night for sleeping outside. Maybe I'll do it again tonight.

And - Bonus - just found out that there is a total lunar eclipse when we will be in Cali. sounds like a good time to go find a dark spot to spend a night.

Apple Addict

I've become an apple addict. I finally got my iphone, and spent the rest of the day on saturday sighing and saying 'i'm so happy', much to the amusement of my husband. Its very handy to have the internet in your pocket. It feels kind of magical, in a harry potter sort of way. You need to look something up? I have the wiki in my pocket! email in my pocket. news, weather, in my pocket. i don't think i'll have to text much anymore - send an email, its free & unlimited!

you can't get every website. but you can get most. things that run on java wont load (security feature) - so, for instance, I can't look at property values on (I tried).

the camera isn't so hot in low-light or if the subject (or you) is moving. but its OK. I'll live.

Oh, I dearly wish I had bought that apple & AMD stock back when apple first came out with itunes.... i thought of it but didn't in the interest of diversification. but i should have, diversification be damned. ugh.

Friday, August 10, 2007

I don't feel sorry for this guy...

So, as I was reading on CNN, there is a guy in Texas (where else?!!) that is suing 1-800-flowers for sending a thank you note for his order to his house. The problem is, those roses weren't for his wife, and she's now trying to divorce him (for the 2nd time).

Morale of the story? You're not divorced until you're actually divorced. And until you're actually divorced, maybe you shouldn't be sending other women flowers...

I dunno. I just find this very funny. And I hope the woman wins her bundle o' money... Instinct...gotta stick with your instinct...

uh-oh, things a-changin'

"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."

~ Robert Frost

I've been frequently reminded of this poem this week. Fall is coming. Its getting lighter later day by day, and its now dark by the time I eat dinner. The flowers are dying, the crickets are loud, and the apples are bright green orbs in the orchards. The fall-only farmstand opened this week. And the light just looks autumn.

I don't know if I am ready for this.

Maybe it's been happening all along, and I'm now just noticing that life is moving on now that I've surfaced after the PMC - but it suddenly feels like we should be eating roasts, and butternut squash ravioli, and picking out pumpkins.

I can't believe another summer is almost over.