Saturday, December 01, 2007

Yay for shopping Local!

I know, I know... I'm behind. What else is new?

Hubby & I went holiday shopping today. We drove over to Maynard, MA to check out a new Jewelry store just opened by a friend of a friend called "Phoenix Rising". I picked up some fliers from the owner to distribute to some friends, family & neighbors to get the word out - it was a pretty cool store with some really reasonable prices. The owner makes her own jewelry, and it was beautiful. I purchased a really nice necklace for my mom which I really think she'll like (I'd describe it, but what if she reads this? It's unlikely, but you never know).

Here's their Open House flier - The open house was today & yesterday, but their logo is pretty cool, so I've included it. Linda was really friendly, and there were some great pieces in there...and I'm not a huge jewelry fan.

After that, we walked up the street to the Maynard Outdoor Store to purchase some more long underwear for me - I work outside, and it's now officially cold out (it's 17 degrees out as I write this - and our first winter storm is on it's way tomorrow night). I was actually pretty surprised by how much stuff they had and how reasonable their prices were.

Our last stop was Dunia. I hadn't been in there before, but I had seen their advertisements and they are a "Friend" of Harvard Local. I am SO glad I went in there. First of all, I liked just about everything that they had in the store (a rare thing - I'm pretty picky). I found a puzzle for my dad (of a Mandala - not sure he'll like it, but he goes through so many puzzles, he'll eat it like the rest of them and then donate it to the library, which I am OK with) that was made in Kula, HI - by my definitions, it's local, because I have a connection to that area. I'll admit my definition is a little skewed, but like it or lump it. I got a whole bunch of ideas for reusing all sorts of stuff that has lived out it's original life. I also found reclaimed cashmere yarn (not that I can use it, but maybe someday). Clothes, kids toys, home decorations, etc... but the best find was a "WrapSack" for my mom's holiday gift.

I know Steph is really going to like the WrapSack idea - it's just like "Where's George" only for these sacks that you give gifts in - and you don't have to use wasteful & expensive wrapping paper. I've logged in the wrap sack for my mom's gift and have started it on it's journey. I need to go back and get some more of these.

Dunia also had some furoshiki - same idea as WrapSacks, only not trackable, and more of a flat cloth than a sack (you can knot the corners of the cloth to make a sack, though, much like a bandana). I was interested in furoshiki years ago, and then completely forgot about them. But now that I have my very own sewing machine (that works), I hope to make my own - should be pretty easy, and the possibilities for personalization are endless.

Other than that, we're just gearing up for our first "big" winter storm... a lot of the ski areas around here are having a better-than-average early season, as far as I can tell, so I am really excited. I haven't been yet, but might go riding tomorrow night out at wa-wa.

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