Friday, October 12, 2007

Oct . 15th Bloggers Unite!

Monday is apparently a new internet holiday - Blogging for the environment day. Bloggers Unite!

I dunno. This idea seems a little too cute for me... It's like the virtual world/environmental version of Valentines Day - a holiday invented purely to get other people sucked into buying something because they are "supposed to"... only in this case, no one is buying, but dedicating a day to virtual lip service. I can see why it's appealing to get the whole blogosphere focused on one issue on one day, but most of the blogs I read are environmental minded anyway... If the average Joe joins in, THEN I'll impressed. I guess I'm happy that it's on's main page prior to the even though. Will people join in? Who knows. At least it's not a waste of paper or anything :-) There is nothing to lose I suppose.

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