Thursday, November 06, 2008

New Energy Security Council

Politco reports today that President-elect Obama is giving serious consideration to an Energy Security Council within the White House... thereby backing up the campaign speculation that he would appoint an "energy czar" position.

The devil, of course, is in the details. As always. There is some speculation that such a council may create conflict with the EPA - but as far as I'm concerned the EPA is over due for an overhaul, and in the process, you might as well address any of those conflict/chain of command concerns. The EPA and energy security aren't the same thing. At all.

If President Obama (oh, how I love the sound of that) were to come up with some sort of "National Food Supply Security Council" I might just fall completely in love. Bring back the victory gardens and the small, local family farm! With secure food & energy, we'd be a whole lot better off. And no, a secure food supply should NOT fall under the FDA or the USDA, as they are apparently in over their heads already anyway.

Change is hard, and the new administration is going to have to drag a lot of the country kicking and screaming through the process. But as I see it, half the country is always going to be pissed off at any given time - at least with Obama as President, it'll be going MY way for once (or closer to my way, anyway). A lot of intelligent people have been really angry for 8 years, and I'm hoping that all this "change" (we'll have to wait & see) will be a breath of fresh air. It'll be temporary, because in another 4 or 8 years, the other half of our country will once again vote out common sense. So I'm going to enjoy it while I can.